Nov 30, 2009

Happy December,Jesus is coming..!!

in 24 days,the whole world is going to celebrate Christmas(yeah,yeah,yeah) in some countries is snowing,ah,how i wish Malaysia could have one too(juz 1 day-i am grateful),well,its i m p o s s i b l e here in our country..boleh lar,artificial snow ice at Genting..ohoh.=).

i determined myself to be a lot more better this month,at least i can achieve something,be more devoted to God,keep myself healthier and a lot more lar..i realized life without goal will lead you to no where,but somehow i keep going and going without looking back..there's more opportunity infront then juz wait for something behind to come(am i a philosopher o what) we grow older,we tend to think farther and a lot more is easy if we see it in easy way of living.

well,i really need to keep myself occupied,keep myself busy this month..watching more korean(2days 1night-il bak yi il)..??perhaps..ahah.gee,i enjoy watching,its funny..we can keep ourselves healthy if we laugh a lot,its true,try once,jinja jinja(really,really)..

so this month i plan to cari kerja part time(planned this since last month =S) least work till before Christmas,then plan to back campus on 29th or 30th..this new year celebration my friends suggest to celebrate at penang on 31st,2days 1night trip i gues..i am looking forward for it guys.=)..

so this December means,
*drag each letter to the right..

D on't be lazy
E xercise more
C hristmas celebration
E xercise more and more
M ake ourselves better
B uild a strong relationship with God, family and friends
E at healthily
R ock the world with love

its Advent seasOn,so this moth we all shall rejoice and be happy for the coming of our Lord..Happy Advent and Happy December and may we all have a Happy Life with love ones..=).

Cheers and God bless us all.. =)

The greatest commandment (commitment) of all

He (Jesus) said,

"You shall love Lord your God
with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your mind."

this is the great and first commandment.

Matthew 22:37,38

Nov 29, 2009

Recent activities

few days ago i went to my friend's wedding and another friend's son's burfday..

well,occasionally,these two events involved eating which is veli fundamental..tapi,that's not the main purposed lar.i wondered myself,if i marry to a chinese,i would have a lot of chinese relatives..i amazed some of the traditions in chinese wedding(i attended many times before),its nice and wonderful how the flow of process all the way(specially the 'yam seng' part),various kinds of food served(love the shark fin soup-extremely nice)..i am delighted to be invited in any event which i also enjoy attending event,i believe the more we experience ourselves in any particular activities,the more we get to explore ourselves as well as others..its nice and cool to see my friend have a family,it may seem quite early,but it worthwhile if we appreciate everything that happens in our life,again God planned all this..He just want His children to be happy while living.

God bless us in many ways that we ourselves didn't even notice it and should be grateful for everything..=).

GOD bless always..peace.

Nov 28, 2009

Give Thanks to Lord

I now give thanks

for every hills that i have to climb,
for every stone that bruised my feet,
for all the blood and sweat and grime,
for blinding storms and burning heat,
my heart sings but a grateful song -
these were the things that made me strong!
for all the heartaches and the tears,
for all the anguish and the pain,
for gloomy days and fruitless years,
and for the hopes that lived in vain
i do give thanks for now u know
these were the things that helped me grow!
this not the softer things of life,
which stimulate man's live to strive,
but bleak adversity and strife,
do most to keep man's will alive,
o'er rose-strewn paths the weaklings creep,
but brave hearts dare to climb the steep

God bless us..!! =).

Nov 26, 2009

Twilight Saga: New Moon

overall this movie was nice,cool,romance all the way,dramatic and won't make u feel sleepy(like i watched the 1st 1)..

science fiction really made it worth,they(people who made this science fiction movies) sure can produce a lot and a lot of money..i wish i could be one of the actor.i really like their face expressions,it went well with the character itself(as a vampire n a wolf)..

i got one quest: who would you choose to be your love life?





choose wisely,you may gonna to lose it..=).(i prefer zombies all time,big time) wuuuu..zombies also x boleh mati what,or so called mortal..

yes,pretty guys got to go show up in big screen..not so pretty guys,can watch those pretty guys in cinema..make sense i gues..=).i was quite surprise to see one of the actress(yes,pelakon wanita),not the main role..dakota fanning a.k.a jane in this Twilight II,wah,she's grown up now,which is pretty cool..i am quite a small fan of her.

anyway,Twilight Saga: New Moon is a nice and great movie,u guys should have watch it..thumbs up.
rating: 8.5/10

quick diary of the day

just moment ago i checked my grade for one of my course paper,BKAF3073(3k paper am talkin) been told my friend earlier,the overall marks has been uploaded in learning care..i thanked God for what i get,but for sure i was quite dissapointed with it,i could have get higher grade..but i am really thankful was a tough paper,even lecturer sendiri pun bagitau "this paper is tough because covered all of the syllabus."(sigh......).eventually,alamak,memang tough to study it..=S

anyhow,i get through with it already oh,get over it..maybe i am less motivated type of person in terms of study.kadang2,study all by ourselves memang tough..seriously,i am serious(see my face,not smiling)..later going to watch Twilight:the saga (New Moon),no choice bought ticket od..going with my 2nd bro and not that exciting coz i am not the fan afta all(or die hard fan)..yeah,juz go and watch some handsome guys on the big screen..i enjoy watching movies anyway..=).

God bless..

Nov 25, 2009

what is sin anyhow?

"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made.He said to the woman,Did God really say,"You must not eat from any tree of the garden?""

Most readers will be familiar with God's test to the first man and woman,Adam and Eve.God made clear to them that they could eat of every tree in the Garden of Eden except for one particular tree.If they ate of this tree,they would die.

To tempt them, Satan (appearing in the form of a serpent) said to Eve, "Did God really say that you couldn't eat of that tree?" The question seemed harmless enough but it gave an opportunity to sow a seed of doubt in Eve's mind. Tragically, Eve took the bait and the seed began to take root.

Then came Satan's lie which had in it an element of truth that made it believable and much more subtle. "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

To be like God is perhaps life's greatest and most subtle of all temptations.

True, Adam and Eve would be like God—only in that they would know the difference between good and evil. What Satan didn't tell them was that if they ate of the forbidden fruit not only would they know good and evil but they would also be left forever in a confirmed state of evil and, as such, be separated from God.

However, the essence of Adam and Eve's sin was not so much taking of the forbidden fruit. It was setting themselves up as judge between God and Satan. In so doing they put themselves above God—usurping his authority. This was the sin that caused their downfall. Taking the forbidden fruit was the outcome of this action.

To make this concept clearer, picture God on the left, Satan on the right, and see Adam and Eve placing themselves above both and deciding who is right and who is wrong. Absurd, I know, but this is exactly what they did. They took the place of God.

This was the cause of Satan's downfall in the first place. He wanted to be as God and said, "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."4

This too is at the heart of the New Age movement whose adherents don't talk about God within but "the god" within. That is; they put themselves on an equal footing with God and usurp his authority. They appoint themselves a judge of God and his Word. We all do this when we ignore God's directives and when we decide what is right and what is wrong, and what is evil and what is good.

Furthermore, when we choose (as far too many do) what to accept in God's Word and reject what we don't like, we do exactly the same as Adam and Eve did. We set ourselves up above God and make ourselves the final voice of authority—this is at the very heart of sin.

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to understand what sin really is, how totally devastating it is, and never usurp your authority in my life. Be my LORD, my God and my Savior—always in all ways. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

home akhirnya..

yes,i am home(kk) finally for approximately 5months away from homeland..all of my friends get to balik kampung like 3 or 4 times in 1 semester,but once in a semester for me..but here i am,home sweet home..thank God.

i went back last sunday,arrived kk roun 6 in the evening..i realized the process of goin back is quite long,yalah take bus from campus(UUM-kedah woh) direct to kl,pudu ambil masa 5-6hours bah,lepas tuh,from that busy city go to the airport quite memang tiring,tambahan waited for flight lagi..wah,wah,wah(why i chose UUM at the 1st place?)..somehow i endure all this for consecutive 5 semesters now..thumbs up for me.yeah..remind me the night before i went back,Fatah the international student from Somalia told me that he's not going back,and maybe even not going anywhere..pastu,i told that nice guy,Fatah,"owh,man,that's bad,even 1week i cannot stand living here(we're talking bout a month man),it's too extremely quite and boring here man.."well,i say goodbye to him and went for my bus at 10pm that night..i wish to not cerita panjang regarding the condition in the bus all the way to KL(sigh)..but for sure it was cold..

i arrived kl the next morning,but not as was 3.30am for human's sake..!!why this bus arrived sooOOOoo early,bus neh terbang kah apa?or mungkin engine baru..too fast too extremely furious..well,i waited one of the bustop there waiting for the sun to come up..but,the serious thing was,i terhilang map gave by Karen(one of my fren-she stay in KL,so ask her direction mah),actually,i already terhilang the map before off for bus..(oh,shot!!).i calm myself,didnt dare to ask her again..sorry+maaf Karen.eventually,i managed to get to the station thanks from the helped by a UUM student accidentally i bumped at the bustop..moral-ask if you don't know..=).

kemudian,i took the LRT from the station,and i get myself to KL sentral which then took bus direct go to LCCT airport,i was in tahap kritikal tired,so slept again in the bus all the way to the was 7.30am when i arrived..gee,what am i gonna do while waiting for my flight which was at 3.10pm..!!!!!nevermind i talked to myself,i felt hungry so when to 'grab' chicken rice in the airport though a lot of food to choose a result,cost me MYR9.90 for 1 single plate of nasi ayam,OMG..!!!!!!without thinking any further,makan saja lar..few people looking at me as i don't know why the heck,i didn't bother to ask em..i bought newspaper to read on as i waited,when on9 but the line is at tahap kritikal slow x was cold as usual and fell aslept..

finally,i get myself to checked in and the lady at the counter checking in for passengers was pretty(ah,sumtimes i amazed the wonder of God),but the beauty of the lady couldn't managed to make my heart drop(duh....),but i were asked to pay additional 20 bucks for the luggage..(there goes my money for holiday=0),this made my heart dropped..departed from KL roun 3pm sumthin,i was still in my sleepy head and slept when the plane off the air(damn tired leh) funny thing happen to me on the flight,ahah(can ask me personally what had happen)..after a long journey,i arrived kk safely(thank God) and my parent fetched me with a surprise..a new car(coooolll...),i was abit surprised but i knew it all along(my senses always seem to be right)..then we drove home,my aunt and cousins were at home..all when well,again thank God for everything..

i bought shirts for my family and i am glad they all like it(i hope they really do)..for sure,that's the only Christmas gift i can provide for them because........i have no cash in pocket already,pokai loh..ahahaha..hoping and finding to get part time,anyone who want hire specialist futbol trainer,give me a ring yah..=).

i wish this holiday to be a meaningful and enjoyably holiday,can spend time with my family,strengthen our relationship,worship God more and more and more,have a wonderful Christmas celebration(eventhough won't be having a open house this year),relax myself and a lot more..=).Happy Holiday to all of u..God blesses us always.Amen.=).
cheers and peace..


Dear readers,

this is my first ever blog i looks cool when i saw some of the blogs wrote by some of my friends and few,i think to myself,'why not i write a blog?since i have a lot of thoughts in my small brain that at any particular reason i could share it..i may not good in writing(english writing proficiency),but i'll try my very best to write anyhow..=).

well,first thing first,allow me to intro myself,my name is aaron spencer lammert, currently studying in one of local university taking bachelor in accounting information system(AIS)-(i realized it is a tough course),i am Christian(Catholic),love futbol,love hanging out with friends,love to have fun,easy to communicate,easy going,love sports,believe in only one God and the Son Jesus Christ,i am a 3rd child of three brothers(the youngest lar),just an average guy,simple minded,most people say i looked like chinese(cina malaysia),but i am completely not chinese coz i am a kadazan(pure-actually,my mum is pure kadazan+my dad is eurasian,but since for the sack of hak kerakyatan,changed to kadazan loh)..ah,there's many things i can describe regarding myself,but i don't think can finish in one whole night..=).

one thing i believe in my life for sure is that all of my life including other human's life are planned by God Himself,He knows what will happen next,He planned it nicely and beautifully..=).i thank God for everything that i've been given in my life..first of all,i thank u Lord for dying on the cross for our sins so that human may be forgiven..i am grateful for the family,the daily bread,friends,protection,blessing,keep me in good health and last but not least,coz gave me the special gift in futbol..and ofcoz there's many ways God's always be with me whenever and whatever i do,just that i can't recall em..=).it's true,by futbol,i get to know a lot of friends in different kind of people..u can witness yourself,futbol nowadays have the ability to gather people around the world and made it one of the best+favorite sports in the world..ahah.lagipun,play futbol can make us go healthy bah..=).

Jesus loves us..=).